Monday, 14 January 2008

Loosing my freedom

by Milo Manara

I see your frame through my entrance door stained glass, and I open before you knock… There you are, standing, grey scarf and the warmest smile, shaking hands, looking at me as if nothing else existed in the world, a red rose in your hand.

After all the silly childish lovely passion signs, we finally make it in the door and I take you upstairs to my room…

Oh, where to start?...

Your breathing is fast and irregular, your skin on my skin, your warm hands reaching for the right place to touch… Hours to get off our clothes, admiring, recognizing, exploring… more than the first time, more than any other time before… Our eyes looking out for every detail, every change, every sign of the short time passed between the water city and now… No changes, except for more desire, more lust, and maybe a bit more of that scary feeling intimacy brings… the forbidden words, the wish they would suit us, the fear they do…

Now we are naked, now there is no more hesitation, no more to wait for, and you hold my face, looking into my eyes, and I feel you, slowly, hot, hard, coming inside me… We stop and stay there. Eyes. That's all I remember, all that mattered. The waiting turns into madness and the night lasted till the sun was up, coming in through my bedroom window, lighting up your contours, my hair, our sweat, the grey linen… My first orgasm arrived on your lips and then I lost count, lost track, lost sense of time and place, and until I fell asleep in your arms there was nothing else, no one else, no other place in the world…

Oh, lover, turn that airplane around… I'm loosing my freedom...


FATifer said...

Bem-vinda de volta à escrita, já tinha saudades de ler qualquer coisa por aqui… e valeu a pena a espera, mais um texto cheio de emoção e sentimento – admiro todos aqueles que (como tu aqui) conseguem traduzir por palavras o que sentiram/sentem ;)

Allow me to ask you a question, why do you prefer to write in English? (I have nothing against it, I’m just curious)


lucia said...

fatifer, obrigada, é bom ter quem nos leia :)

O inglês é mais simples porque é esta a língua que falo todos os dias, mas na verdade depende do que escrevo... na maior parte das vezes, é assim que tudo me vem à cabeça :)

continua por aqui ...

Rafeiro Perfumado said...

"Hours to get off our clothes"?!? Ok, eu até sou capaz de reconhecer interesse no sexo tântrico, mas isto também já é exagero!

lucia said...

rafeiro, o sexo tântrico é mais que 'interessante', e dizeres uma coisa dessas não te fica nada bem... ainda vai haver quem pense que és arraçado de coelho... ;)