After the Thai dinner I swore to you I knew what was missing, I took you to my favourite dessert restaurant and asked for an applecrumble with custard… something sweet, warm... two spoons… let's see how well you feed me…
We are sitting by the window and passers by have full sight of me, in a busy restaurant downtown… No, my dear, your hands can not go up my legs, feeling my muscles, my tight jeans, all the way to what you wish the most… Have dessert… It will have to be enough for now to satisfy your needs of sugary and wet delights…
I feed you the first spoon and you close your eyes, breathing in to better feel its taste and texture, taking time… When you open your eyes again you seem possessed by the sort of lust that always brings you a different sparkle, and say it's my turn… Fill the spoon and take it to your lips first, lick the bottom of it, and dip it slowly into my watery mouth… I close my lips around the spoon and let you remove it… Your breathing is getting heavier and the effect it has inside me is unpredictable at a restaurant table… Unaware of it, I cross my legs and that brings a smile to your face… The next spoon you bring into my mouth has difficulty leaving it, with my teeth releasing it by bits, and every time I hold it a soft moan comes out of you, an interrupted breath, a split second of tension…
Holding the full spoon in your hand half way between us, eyes locked in mine, I sense a movement, a very tight short intense movement, and I feel it inside…
Ohhh… How do you do this to me?...
The dance went on in slow motion, so silent and contained no one noticed it, as I got hotter and wetter than your spoon filling… In and out of me your eyes took me so close to ecstasy, I think only my consciousness of where we were - brought to me by the noise of a dropped piece of cutlery – stopped the excessive blood flow to all the flamed areas of my body, and when I started sweating and that restaurant window was too much exposure… 'Babe, I'll be back…' … and from the restroom downstairs I brought you on my fingers the taste of your favourite dessert for you to lick…
'Let's have a glass of red now, shall we?...' – I said…
You helped me dress my jacket, wrapped my scarf around my neck and followed me… you were just too out of your mind to answer…
We are sitting by the window and passers by have full sight of me, in a busy restaurant downtown… No, my dear, your hands can not go up my legs, feeling my muscles, my tight jeans, all the way to what you wish the most… Have dessert… It will have to be enough for now to satisfy your needs of sugary and wet delights…
I feed you the first spoon and you close your eyes, breathing in to better feel its taste and texture, taking time… When you open your eyes again you seem possessed by the sort of lust that always brings you a different sparkle, and say it's my turn… Fill the spoon and take it to your lips first, lick the bottom of it, and dip it slowly into my watery mouth… I close my lips around the spoon and let you remove it… Your breathing is getting heavier and the effect it has inside me is unpredictable at a restaurant table… Unaware of it, I cross my legs and that brings a smile to your face… The next spoon you bring into my mouth has difficulty leaving it, with my teeth releasing it by bits, and every time I hold it a soft moan comes out of you, an interrupted breath, a split second of tension…
Holding the full spoon in your hand half way between us, eyes locked in mine, I sense a movement, a very tight short intense movement, and I feel it inside…
Ohhh… How do you do this to me?...
The dance went on in slow motion, so silent and contained no one noticed it, as I got hotter and wetter than your spoon filling… In and out of me your eyes took me so close to ecstasy, I think only my consciousness of where we were - brought to me by the noise of a dropped piece of cutlery – stopped the excessive blood flow to all the flamed areas of my body, and when I started sweating and that restaurant window was too much exposure… 'Babe, I'll be back…' … and from the restroom downstairs I brought you on my fingers the taste of your favourite dessert for you to lick…
'Let's have a glass of red now, shall we?...' – I said…
You helped me dress my jacket, wrapped my scarf around my neck and followed me… you were just too out of your mind to answer…
Continuo por aqui a apreciar cada pequena jóia que tiras desta tua caixa e colocas à luz desvendando-a para nosso deleite ;)
What can I say, this box has me mesmerized :)
fatifer, e tu? quando terei o prazer de ler o que escreves?...
Oh owner of this box my life is just so boring compared with your tales of yours…
Como já disse, duvido que alguma vez crie algo como um blog e as razões vão desde a preguiça ao egoísmo … raramente partilho o que escrevo (mas alguns, poucos, amigos já tiveram o privilégio de, inclusive, escrever para eles) … em todo o caso podes sempre contar com os meus comentários sempre que achar apropriado ;)
Thank you for your interest,
PS – … mas nós nunca sabemos o que o futuro nos reserva… ;)
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