We start with a drink, and then there are more... Tomorrow is a special day and we are celebrating, we are making it last...
We go to a club and there's no one in the last room... Two beers and a table and I sit comfortably, reclined, feet on your chair, between your legs, teasing with words... Another beer... The music is loud and my heart beats to it, to you, to the drinks... The centre of my body is compelled into you like an iman...
We kiss, your tongue touching my lips, softly, all so hot and wet... It's only when I grab your hair and pull your head back that you give in, a deep moan, all the air out of your lungs, and you slap my leg... Bad girl... Behave...
Or not...
Your hands are up my shirt, under your favourite silk and sequins bra, and I feel your knees parting my legs. I take the bra off and give it to you to smell it... your closed eyes and the way you lick your lips say it all, and when you look at me again you are transformed... Oh, lover, how I love to see you like that, to take you to that stage where I know everything is possible!...
'Baby, you're driving me crazy, I can feel you all over my body!...'
'Hmmm... no, you can't... not yet...'
And my hands slide from your chest down to your belly, inside your jeans, and the disbelief in your eyes just makes me want it more. I touch you, I can feel you in my hands, but it doesn't seem enough... that's what you do to me... So I look around and there is no one. Under the arch that leads to the room full of people no shadow seems to menace our precarious privacy, and I smile at you, hold you stronger, and take you in my lips. You feel so good, so strong and hot, and for sometime I forget where we are... My lips are still wet and I smile at you, again reclined, teasing, shirt up, showing you the breasts you love, the hard nipples you want to bite...
'These things you do to me... Ohh...'
'Get me drunk... Get me drunk and fuck me like a whore...'
'You wanna be fucked like a whore?'
'Yes, babe... Fuck me like a whore... '
The night took a fast way home, where our clothes flew over the furniture and we landed on the bed. We were so excited, my lover, I couldn't tell from my sweat and yours... Kneeling on the bed I feel your hands on my waist, holding me hard so I can't escape you... as if I would even try... You come inside me so slowly I feel like dying, and as you move deeper you bent over my ear...
'What do you want tonight?...'
'I told you to get me drunk and fuck me like a whore... I am drunk...'
Your slaps, my moans, our desperate and uncontrolled search for eachothers pleasure take us to madness, to an illogic race against our own breathing and heartbeat until I stop you and throw you on the bed... Now you're mine. Now I get you in my mouth and I feel you like never before, and you feel it like never before, and the reward you give is a new way to explore my body, with your fingers, with your tongue, breathing so fast and deep... like never before, my orgasm seems endless and my whole body numbs… for a minute I have no control of it. Spasms and I can not breathe, and before I have the time to recover you have turned me around and you're inside me again, slapping my thighs, getting to ecstasy while you say...
'You're my whore... I never had one like you... You're my favourite whore and I love fucking you!...'
It's another dimension now, because I'm your whore and we fell asleep on eachothers arms...
We go to a club and there's no one in the last room... Two beers and a table and I sit comfortably, reclined, feet on your chair, between your legs, teasing with words... Another beer... The music is loud and my heart beats to it, to you, to the drinks... The centre of my body is compelled into you like an iman...
We kiss, your tongue touching my lips, softly, all so hot and wet... It's only when I grab your hair and pull your head back that you give in, a deep moan, all the air out of your lungs, and you slap my leg... Bad girl... Behave...
Or not...
Your hands are up my shirt, under your favourite silk and sequins bra, and I feel your knees parting my legs. I take the bra off and give it to you to smell it... your closed eyes and the way you lick your lips say it all, and when you look at me again you are transformed... Oh, lover, how I love to see you like that, to take you to that stage where I know everything is possible!...
'Baby, you're driving me crazy, I can feel you all over my body!...'
'Hmmm... no, you can't... not yet...'
And my hands slide from your chest down to your belly, inside your jeans, and the disbelief in your eyes just makes me want it more. I touch you, I can feel you in my hands, but it doesn't seem enough... that's what you do to me... So I look around and there is no one. Under the arch that leads to the room full of people no shadow seems to menace our precarious privacy, and I smile at you, hold you stronger, and take you in my lips. You feel so good, so strong and hot, and for sometime I forget where we are... My lips are still wet and I smile at you, again reclined, teasing, shirt up, showing you the breasts you love, the hard nipples you want to bite...
'These things you do to me... Ohh...'
'Get me drunk... Get me drunk and fuck me like a whore...'
'You wanna be fucked like a whore?'
'Yes, babe... Fuck me like a whore... '
The night took a fast way home, where our clothes flew over the furniture and we landed on the bed. We were so excited, my lover, I couldn't tell from my sweat and yours... Kneeling on the bed I feel your hands on my waist, holding me hard so I can't escape you... as if I would even try... You come inside me so slowly I feel like dying, and as you move deeper you bent over my ear...
'What do you want tonight?...'
'I told you to get me drunk and fuck me like a whore... I am drunk...'
Your slaps, my moans, our desperate and uncontrolled search for eachothers pleasure take us to madness, to an illogic race against our own breathing and heartbeat until I stop you and throw you on the bed... Now you're mine. Now I get you in my mouth and I feel you like never before, and you feel it like never before, and the reward you give is a new way to explore my body, with your fingers, with your tongue, breathing so fast and deep... like never before, my orgasm seems endless and my whole body numbs… for a minute I have no control of it. Spasms and I can not breathe, and before I have the time to recover you have turned me around and you're inside me again, slapping my thighs, getting to ecstasy while you say...
'You're my whore... I never had one like you... You're my favourite whore and I love fucking you!...'
It's another dimension now, because I'm your whore and we fell asleep on eachothers arms...
Bem! Tens aqui uma caixa muito interessante! Adorei o texto, principalmente a parte do get me drunk and fuck me like a hore! As palavras certas no momento certo geralmente têm consequências avassaladoras!
“é esse o único medo: ser vulgar e desinteressante ao partilhar experiencias tao verdadeiras e sentidas. é bom saber que vale a pena.”
Não há que ter medo. Basta ler este texto para se perceber que não se é “vulgar e desinteressante” quando se partilha “experiências tão verdadeiras e sentidas”. E quem achar que assim é, tem bom remédio, deixe de ler! ;)
Another breath taking tale you decided to share… I thank you, once more…
(I would like to leave you a better compliment to this text but I’m not very inspired today, sorry)
the one you know,
benvindo :) espero merecer o prazer das tuas visitas e comentários mais vezes :)
realmente, tens razão: que deixe de ler quem não se interesse, certo? ;) ainda bem que não é o teu caso... até breve... :)
Just the way I love best...
... what can i say? great minds think alike ;) ...
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